Zoning Services
A review of zoning information is a vital part of the due diligence process during a commercial real estate transaction. MKA provides zoning services across North America through our dedicated in-house division. Whether a single site, or portfolio transaction, our Team stands ready to provide zoning information to fit our clients’ needs.
Sample Zoning Report
General Zoning Related Terms
Zoning is a system of developing a city or county plan in which various geographic areas (called zones) are restricted to certain uses and development such as: industrial, light industrial, commercial, light commercial, agricultural, single-family, multi-unit residential parks, schools and other purposes. Zoning is typically the main planning tool of local government to guide the future development of a community, protect neighborhoods, concentrate retail business and industry as well as channel traffic. Zoning plays a major role in the enhancement of urban as well as small towns. In practice, zoning also is used to prevent new development from interfering with existing uses and/or to preserve the character of the community. In 1926 zoning was declared constitutional by the U. S. Supreme Court.